Seven Parables of the Kingdom

A Bible Study by

Cuthbert H Dawkins

Jesus taught in parables to make people think. He was pushing them to get into the depth of a subject. The depth or nothing. For example, what was the living seed which Jesus planted? And, what was the point of Jesus giving the answer if people didn’t grasp what the answer meant? Jesus always stressed, ‘Seek and you will find’. So we have the seven parables of God’s invading, life-giving order in Matthew 13. Jesus speaks of this kingdom’s power and the opposition to it. He tells where it is lodged and how it will be advanced.

This set of Bible studies for group or personal use is published to revive your heart in the work of God. It is the second set of Bible studies in the series A Spring of Pure Water written in Africa by Cuthbert H. Dawkins during his long ministry with young Africans.

eBook only

ISBN: 978-1-912529-99-5

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