Seven Ways to

Prepare for Revival

Lin Wills

“Oh, that You would burst from the heavens and come down!” This was the prayer of Isaiah. Is it your prayer too? Do you long to see revival rain on your nation? Does the land seem dry? To neglect prayer, while desiring revival, is to walk in the opposite direction of your desire. Prayer is the key to unlock revival. Without preparation there can be no celebration. Are you preparing? Long ago, a Welsh preacher who experienced revival wrote, “Revival is God bending down to the dying embers of a fire about to go out, and breathing into it until it bursts again into flame” (Christmas Evans 1766–1838). This is a very short book that is also available as a printed booklet.

e-Book ISBN: 978-1-912529-21-6

Also available from the author

as a printed booklet

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