
JR Miller

The Christian’s peace is not found in a place where there is no trouble ‒ it is something which enters the heart and makes it independent of all outside conditions. The reason so many of us do not find the blessing of peace is because our minds are not stayed on God. “You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you.” This Bible verse is a great lesson of our Christian faith: “Stayed on you!” These words tell the whole story. They picture a child nestling in the mother’s breast, letting its whole little weight down upon her. The child has no fear, and nothing disturbs it, for the mother’s love is all around it. Too much of our trust is irregular ‒ this hour singing, next hour in tears, dismayed. If we would have unbroken peace we must have unbroken trust, our minds stayed on God all the time.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-913950-64-4

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