
Margaret S. Haycraft

Daphne Wardour, at the age of twenty-three, is left an orphan with six younger siblings to care for on a very limited income. Her one strength is her ability as an artist. She meets David Hamilton, proprietor of The Rudder, who helps her find contacts for her art. But can she, the daughter of a colonel, lower herself to illustrate trade circulars and billheads for a tea and coffee merchant? Mr Hamilton has a secret, involving Beatrix de Vaux for whom his father worked. Beatrix is now a renowned poet, publishing her work under the name of Iona. After several years of separation, they are brought together again through Daphne Wardour. But can the problems of the past be erased? A book from White Tree Publishing’s favourite Victorian author.

eBook ISBN: 978-1-912529-14-8

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